Regarding Covid-19: Please note the rules that are currently in place at Wingham Services Club, which we anticipate will still apply at our meeting.
wear a mask unless seated
You now can sign in with your member’s card. If non-member, use the usual sign-in system with your details
Observe safe distancing - club seating will be in accordance with requirements
You can go to the bar with mask on to buy drinks
One person will be allocated to pour water for Tea/Coffee
Our speaker:
BackTrack Youth Works is a community-based organisation helping young people. A quote from their web site says “Backtrack has three jobs… keeping kids alive, keeping kids out of jail, and, helping them chase their hopes and dreams”.
Darren Harrison is senior youth worker at Backtrack Youth works, working with disadvantaged and disengaged youth in the New England and further afield.
He has been team leader at the residential program as well as horticulturalist, teaching young people how to grow organic garlic.
Darren is passionate about being part of a team of likeminded and professional mentors that want to see young people succeed!
RSVP by 10 am on Mon 26/07/2021 to join us at Wingham Services Club , 28-38 Bent St, WINGHAM
RSVP via the contact page - including full names of all those you are booking for… and
Don’t forget to let us know of any special dietary allergy or other requirements