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August 26, 2021 Meeting - Covid-19 Cancellation

Sending our best wishes to all our Netters as we lock down in an attempt to curtail the spread of this insidious virus.

During recent weeks we have been deliberating options around holding the August meeting. Our proposed speakers from the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service are based in Newcastle and so were already in lockdown for an unknown duration. We had, therefore, considered alternatives.

Now that we too are subject to the “stay at home” requirement and cannot be assured of the lifting of this restriction by week’s end, we feel that it’s prudent to cancel now. We also need to consider the club venues and give then timely advice for their function planning.

In the meantime, we look forward to the loosening of restrictions when we will be able to enjoy networking again with some great speaker prospects in mind – including from the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service.

We are all becoming accustomed to the need for flexibility under the current conditions and will of course keep you informed of our future meeting decisions.